
Howdy! My name is Chris, and welcome to my blog. After spending quite some time trying to figure out exactly what I wanted to write about, I decided to take the proverbial plunge and start blogging. Two major factors pushed me to finally jump in –  a gentle nudge of encouragement from my partner, Bryce, and one fantastically successful ice cream creation. At last I found something I was excited to write about – my experiences with food, wherever they may come from.

My fondness for food started young. I loved watching my mom and dad cook for our family and helped whenever I could (and they would let me). With great happiness, I remember my family gathering around the table almost every evening to share at least one meal. My brother, sister, and I may have spent the afternoon playing nicely, arguing, picking fights, avoiding each other, or forming and changing alliances faster than the cast of Big Brother, but we always came together for supper. Even when I was a teenager and generally couldn’t be bothered to do much else with them, I still counted on seeing the family at dinner time. Food nourished our bodies, minds, and souls while also building that sense of community that only sharing a meal can provide.

When I left for college right after high school, my world turned upside down (in a good way). Gone were the comforts of home and the safety of having family in close proximity for protection and support. I was therefore forced to truly become my own person for the first time in my life. As scary as that may seem, though, everyone else starting college with me was in the exact same situation. We reached out for those who shared a semblance of similarity in interests, personality, and location – often times over a meal. Before long, I had established a new family consisting of wonderful people, most of whom remain my close friends today. Like at home with my traditional family, mealtime served to strengthen the bonds of our burgeoning collegiate family. I would often call up one or more of my new friends with the sole purpose of getting together for lunch or dinner, furthering my love for food and all the joy it can bring.

In the years since graduating from college, I have become much more culinarily curious as my palette has evolved and my network of family and friends grows. Trying new foods, cuisines, and restaurants provides not only great sensory adventure but also a wealth of inspiration. Additionally, I continue finding ever more joy from cooking something that brings together friends and family. I gratefully thank my partner, family, friends, coworkers, and the Food Network for my increased interest in food experimentation. Without their support, motivation, and willingness to join in my experiments, I would have given up long ago. Instead, I am excited to continue my culinary education and look forward to sharing my experiences with you.


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